If you’re able, spot treat the stain as soon as it happens – if not, do it as soon as you get home.
As a security guard, you play a vital role in the day-to-day business that employs you or where you’re posted. A huge part of your job is to be a visual deterrent – in short. You have to look at the part of the security guard, so people see you and think twice before stealing or doing other criminal acts. The way you’re dressed is key to the security guard’s look. So when it comes to your uniform, you have to make sure it is clean, fresh, pressed, and presentable. Read on for some great pointers for keeping your security uniform looking its best.
Stain Removal
Having stains is one of the quickest ways for any outfit to look unprofessional. While it would be nice to live in a world where stains didn’t happen at all, they’re a fact of life. The key to dealing with colors is to treat them as soon as possible. If you’re able, spot treat the stain as soon as it happens – if not, do it as soon as you get home. It would be ideal if you never washed your security uniform without treating the stain first.
As long as you have pre-treated the stain, you can get away with not washing the clothes right away. However, it would help to remember that clothes that sit in a damp hamper or musty basement are more likely to get stale and gross than clean clothes that hang in a closet. When it is time to wash, separate light clothes from dark clothes; if any of the dyes run, use a mild detergent to extend the life of your uniform. Adding a half cup of vinegar with the detergent will also help combat odor and soften clothes. Unless the fabric of your uniform specifies otherwise, use hot or at least warm water to wash clothes to kill bacteria.
Move your uniform from the washer to the dryer as soon as possible once the load has finished running. Leaving clothes sitting wet in the washer will breed mildew and musty odors. Tumble dry on the heat setting specified for the fabric of your uniform, but remember that the heat of the dryer is also going to be part of the bacteria-killing process.
Iron your uniform as soon as you can after the dryer cycle finishes. If you can’t iron right away, at least lay the uniform out on the ironing board. Letting clothes cool balled up in a basket will lead to more wrinkles and more work to get your uniform ready.
Uniform Services from Ace Uniform
To give your business a clean, professional, and cohesive look, rely on Ace Uniform. Whether you need uniforms in the food, automotive, industrial, construction, medical, security, or you-name-it industry, we can provide you with the uniforms you need for the price you want. We can also supply your business with high-quality mats and towels. On top of that, Ace offers facility services that can help keep your business place clean and safe. Give us a call at 1-800-366-1616 or visit us online to learn how to help meet your needs. Want to get to know us even better? Visit us on social media on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.