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Cleaning Soiled Nurse Scrubs

Ace Uniform Cleaning Soiled Nurse Scrubs

Healthcare workers deal with a wide variety of messes in a given day, making cleaning soiled nurse scrubs a bit of a difficult task at times.

As frontline healthcare workers, nurses wear their scrubs like a badge of honor, serving as a symbol of dedication and compassion. However, the demanding nature of their profession often leads to their scrubs getting soiled with various substances. The task of cleaning these garments thoroughly can be daunting, but fear not! There are simple and effective ways to get your scrubs squeaky clean in time for your next shift.

Pre-Treatment is Key

When dealing with stubborn stains, pre-treatment is your best friend. Before tossing your scrubs into the washing machine, take a few minutes to treat any visible stains. Apply a small amount of liquid laundry detergent, a stain remover, or a mixture of water and baking soda directly to the stain. Gently rub the solution into the fabric, and let it sit for a few minutes before washing. This step significantly improves the chances of stain removal during the wash cycle.

Sort by Color and Stain Type

Before doing laundry, sort your nurse scrubs based on color and stain type. Group similar colors together to prevent color bleeding, and separate heavily soiled scrubs from lightly soiled ones. This sorting technique ensures that each load is treated according to its specific needs.

Choose the Right Detergent

When selecting a detergent for cleaning nurse scrubs, opt for a high-quality, enzyme-based option. Enzymes work effectively to break down proteins, starches, and other organic materials commonly found in healthcare settings. Avoid using bleach, as it can damage the fabric and reduce the lifespan of your scrubs.

Wash in Cold Water

Cold water is the way to go when laundering nurse scrubs. It helps prevent colors from fading and minimizes the risk of shrinkage. In addition, washing in cold water is eco-friendly and saves energy.

Avoid High Heat

Excessive heat can cause fabrics to deteriorate over time. For nurse scrubs, it’s best to avoid high-temperature settings in both washing and drying. High heat can set stains and weaken fibers. Opt for low or medium heat settings when using a dryer.

Don’t Overload the Machine

It’s tempting to toss all your scrubs into the washing machine at once, but overloading can lead to inefficient cleaning. Clothes need enough space to agitate and rub against each other to dislodge dirt and stains. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for load size to ensure optimal cleaning results.

Check Care Labels

Different fabrics have different care requirements. Always check the care labels on your nurse scrubs to ensure you’re following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some scrubs may require special care, such as air drying or ironing at low temperatures.

Consider Line-Drying

If possible, consider line-drying your nurse scrubs. The natural sunlight and fresh air can help eliminate odors and bacteria while being gentler on the fabric. Hang them on a clothesline or drying rack to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

Keep Hygiene a Priority

While cleaning nurse scrubs, don’t forget about maintaining hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling soiled garments, and use gloves if necessary. Clean your washing machine regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and residues.

Professional Cleaning for Stubborn Stains

If a stain persists after your best efforts, consider taking your nurse scrubs to a professional cleaner. They have access to specialized cleaning agents and techniques that can tackle even the toughest stains without damaging the fabric.

Uniform Services from Ace Uniform

To give your business a clean, professional, and cohesive look, rely on Ace Uniform. Whether you need uniforms in the food, automotive, industrial, construction, medical, security, or you-name-it industry, we can provide you with the uniforms you need for the price you want. We can also supply your business with high-quality mats and towels. On top of that, Ace offers facility services that can help keep your business place clean and safe. Give us a call at 1-800-366-1616 or visit us online to learn how we can help meet your needs. Want to get to know us even better? Visit us on social media on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

This entry was posted on Friday, August 25th, 2023 at 11:23 am . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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