The restaurant industry is a tough one to be in. There is typically a lot of competition and because they require so much work to run, you may feel like you are always on the clock. If you are opening… Read More
Purchasing Or Renting Your Employee Uniforms
Are you a business owner that does not know how to go about your employee uniforms? Are you unsure whether to rent or buy them? There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer. There are pros and cons to… Read More
3 Tips On Choosing The Best Possible Employee Uniforms
There are several factors to consider when choosing the best possible employee uniforms. You want to create the right company image, but you also want your employees to be happy. Uniforms can help improve employee productivity and overall company morale…. Read More
Why Should You Have a Towel Service?
A towel rental service is a great way to boost your business, increase corporate appeal, and provide your employees and guests with a great experience. What is towel rental service and how can it change the way that you are… Read More
Can You Require Employees to Wear a Uniform by Law?
There are a lot of advantages to uniforms in the workplace. Some of these being: They are aesthetically pleasing. Appearing as professional as possible Making employees recognizable Increasing brand awareness …And so much more! But, is the law on your… Read More
Is Cotton the Right Choice for Your Employee Uniforms?
Cotton has been a staple in our wardrobe for thousands of years. While it certainly has a deep impact on our culture and is a fabric that most of us wear on a daily basis, there are certain things to consider… Read More
How Employee Uniforms Can Help Decrease Workplace Incidents
Workplace incidents can occur for a variety of reasons. One of the best ways to prevent incidents is to stress the importance of employee uniforms. A uniform can vary from a hazmat suit to a hardhat and a yellow safety… Read More
Implementing a Uniform Policy from Scratch
You have decided that a uniform policy is the best way to make your business more professional (and we agree!), but now you need to actually develop and implement your plan. If you are starting a uniform policy from scratch,… Read More
3 Ways that Productivity Increases with a Uniform Policy in Place
A uniform policy can benefit your business in many different ways, including increased productivity. Increasing productivity is a goal of just about every company, across industries and specialties. Here are three of the ways that productivity will increase at your… Read More
Why Renting Uniforms Makes Sense for a Medical Facility
Keeping your medical facility sterile, properly maintained, and safe is critical to ensuring proper operations. Uniform rental is a fantastic way to ensure that employees and patients stay safe around the clock at a medical facility. Here are some of… Read More