If you are uncertain about the differences between uniform leasing and rentals, look no further.
If you own a business, you know that uniforms are extremely important. Some industries require uniforms for safety and hygienic purposes, but for others, the uniform is a representative symbol of the company. Either way, uniforms are a must-have for almost any business, so investing in quality ones is always a good idea for any business manager or owner. When approaching a uniform service, you’ll have three options: buying, rentals, or uniform leasing. Buying is a pretty straightforward definition: you purchase the uniforms outright, and then they are yours to keep. However, this is a riskier and more financially large investment, so you may opt into choosing a uniform leasing or rental option. However, rentals and leasing sound really similar, but they are actually not the same. Confused about the differences between uniform leasing and rentals, and which is better for your business? This blog is here to help.
Uniform Rental
Uniform rental is similar to uniform leasing but not quite the same. A rental uniform is usually a one-time agreement that can happen more than once. Let’s say that your business primarily works in construction. One day you want to have an investor’s meeting in a nice setting. You want your employees to show up, and you want them to still represent your brand. However, their typical uniform is a construction uniform that may be dirty, tattered, and unsightly for the occasion. In this situation, a uniform rental is better than uniform leasing because rentals are usually a one-time use for a short period of time. The largest difference is the short time period length, and usually, rentals are washed upon return by a uniform cleaning service.
Uniform Leasing
Uniform leasing is similar to rental, but the major difference relies on the amount of time the uniforms are used. For example, if you work in a construction company, you’ll probably want your employee’s regular construction uniforms under uniform leasing instead of rentals, simply because of the time. Uniform leasing is basically an extended rental intended for long-term use. Of course, all lease agreements vary, with some only being three months or less. However, during this time, uniforms are likely under warranty and can be much more easily canceled if problems occur than with purchased or rented uniforms. Lastly, uniform leasing agreements essentially deem the business owner as of the owner of the uniforms during the lease, so they assume most responsibility, including laundry and cleaning.
Uniform Services from Ace Uniform
To give your business a clean, professional, and cohesive look, rely on Ace Uniform. Whether you need uniforms in the food, automotive, industrial, construction, medical, security, or you-name-it industry, we can provide you with the uniforms you need for the price you want. We can also supply your business with high-quality mats and towels. On top of that, Ace offers facility services that can help keep your business place clean and safe. Give us a call at 1-800-366-1616 or visit us online to learn how we can help meet your needs. Want to get to know us even better? Visit us on social media on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.